How does Google search console help in SEO?

May 10, 2018

In this era where business relies heavily on modern technology for their daily transaction and marketing, it is common that most if not all of the companies around the world depend heavily on the search engines to advertise their products or services to get more sales.

This is especially so in the Google Search Console that helps business owners to promote their brand via the SEO campaign.

To explain further, Google Search Console is a collection of tools and resources which assist website owners, webmasters, online marketers and SEO professionals to monitor their website performance using the Google search index. The functions and features of the Google search console include information and data that is related to the search appearance, traffic, technical status updates, crawl data and other additional educational resources to give users an overview information of their company’s website performance in the search engine.

his means that the Google search console which is a free service by default helps the user to enquire and learn a great deal of information about their website and the frequency of online viewers who have visited it on the daily, monthly or yearly basis. Users can also use it to find out information like how the viewers find the website, the ratio of viewers who are visiting the website on a mobile device as compared to the desktop computer, which web pages are the more popular in their website. Google search console can also assist the user to search and fix any website errors, submitting a sitemap, to create and check a robots.txt files.

Also to note that Google Search Console was previously known as Google Webmaster Central follow by the name Google Webmaster Tools until the current name staring in 2015.

Once the search console is set up, it can help the site user to increase their organic visibility in the search engine and it is strongly recommended to use the Google Search Console when running the SEO campaigns to get the maximize the user’s site visibility and planning of overall strategy of the campaign.

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