How Eskimi Can Help You Reach Your Targeted Audience At A Lower Cost

September 21, 2022

This article explores the possibilities offered by one such platform: Eskimi. By focusing on how Eskimi can assist you in reaching a targeted audience at a lower cost, it emphasizes the significance of reaching a targeted audience and the role that advertising platforms play in achieving this goal.

This is why advertising platforms are an essential resource for advertisers in the fast-paced and data-driven world of today’s advertising. Such platforms provide a wealth of information and features that can help you optimize your ad content, choose the best publishing channels, and ultimately reach out to exactly the audience that is most likely to respond to your specific message.

When your business or organization relies on reaching the people who are the most likely to be valued customers, you need to ensure that the money you spend on advertising is well used. Reaching out to your target market may be the single most important thing you can do as an advertiser, and you should be using every tool at your disposal to get the best out of your advertising strategy.

In today’s diverse world of advertising, it’s much too easy to spread your message thin and wide. When you are trying to increase customer conversion rates, it’s not about the volume of people you can attract. What’s much more important is finding the right audiences and the correct customers for your product or service. In this way, you can be assured that you will be getting the very best return on your investment.

The Importance of Reaching a Targeted Audience

Reaching a targeted audience is a key objective for any advertiser. When an ad is tailored to a specific group of consumers, the ad becomes more relevant and is more likely to lead to a successful campaign objective – for example, making a sale or generating a strong level of brand awareness. This is compared to a mass marketing approach, where adverts are used to appeal to as wide a group as possible, on the basis that amongst that group there will be some people who are interested in the product or service being advertised. Some advertising platforms, including traditional mediums such as newspapers and television, do not offer the flexibility for targeting that is available through digital and online innovative solutions. There are various data and research companies that provide tools and insights designed to help improve audience targeting and therefore the effectiveness of a campaign. Some work with large, complex sets of customer data to help businesses understand who their customers are and how best to reach them. Such data can often be used to help define target audiences for an advertising campaign – for example, by creating a ‘look-a-like’ audience that share similar traits to a business’s existing customers. Advertisers and organisations can take this one step further, by developing information and a profile on the potential audience that could be reached through an advert. This could be done through a digital marketing solution such as Eskimi, by creating a rich media advert that is targeted to specific demographic, interest and location criteria. Such a digital marketing campaign can then be used to help drive greater user engagement and continually monitor and assess the progress and success of the advert. This ability to adapt and refine the target audience during a campaign provides a key advantage to digital marketing over mass traditional marketing techniques. By focusing on a particular audience, it helps to be clear about who the advert is being shown to and how the advert would appeal to that group of people. This can help prevent wasted time in developing and placing adverts, and importantly help to provide a clear direction as to the style and content of an advert from the outset.

The Role of Advertising Platforms in Targeting

Advertising platforms play a central role in today’s digitally-focused marketing strategies. These platforms typically offer sophisticated tools and extensive platforms through which advertisers can develop campaigns and critically, monitor their effectiveness. From traditional avenues like TV and print to the digital landscape of web and social media, there are numerous ways in which an advertising platform can help a campaign to focus in on the right audience. One of the most frequently cited advantages of using an advertising platform is the ability to utilize advanced targeting. Unlike broader approaches to marketing which might rely on reaching out to a wide audience in the hope of gaining some leads, advanced targeting on platforms allows a campaign to specifically hone in on only those individuals who are likely to engage with the content and genuinely become converted into customers. This is often done by giving advertisers the tools to filter out certain groups based on a range of factors such as age, location and even specific hobbies and interests. Such accuracy in narrowing down the demographics that a campaign will reach is a major advantage from both a strategic and cost perspective. Cultivating leads that can turn into sales or measurable engagement is what all successful modern aggressive strategies aim for and so employing advanced targeting can significantly bolster such efforts. However, a balance has to be found when using these tools, as a reliance on narrow and increasingly focused demographics can lead to the isolation of potentially valuable pockets of custom. By over specifying the audience a campaign will reach, some groups that fall just outside of the established filters can be missed- when in actuality their engagement will be valuable. As with any marketing strategy, an element of constant review and adaptation is required and the use of advanced targeting on advertising platforms is no different. Users of these services often praise their ability to facilitate a clear and insightful feedback loop. This means that once a campaign is running, real-time data about its effectiveness is being gathered and displayed for the advertiser to analyze. From simple metrics such as views and click-through rates, to more complex measures like the demographic information of those who are engaging with the content – this information can be invaluable to making changes to the direction of the marketing. With traditional approaches, this capacity for nearly instant adaptation just doesn’t exist. If a TV or print campaign isn’t performing as desired, it’s often the case that a full ‘re-think’ of the creative direction and content is required, leading to additional costs and wasted time. However, working with the fluid and on-the-fly nature of digital advertising – changes and amendments in response to the data coming in can be swiftly implemented.

Advantages of Using Eskimi for Advanced Targeting

Instead of just choosing a general group to target in your advertising, Eskimi offers advanced targeting, which allows you to pick very specific groups of people to target. This is pivotal because it ensures you only spend your money on people who are potential customers. The variety of ways of targeting offered on the platform is a key strength of using Eskimi. First, demographic targeting allows you to aim at various groups based on factors such as age, gender, and income. This means that the people most likely to buy your product can be more easily identified, allowing for more efficient spending and higher conversion rates. Secondly, behavioural targeting can be used to track the actions of online users and ensure that the ads are shown to the ones most relevant to the product. With the immense amount of data being gathered in the digital age to help show how people interact with advertisements and the internet as a whole, it is a very effective way of making sure the advertising budget is used to its maximum potential. Geographical targeting also becomes extremely useful when you want to market your product or service to a certain area. This functionality in Eskimi allows you to be more focused in terms of choosing countries, regions or even specific postcodes in which to show your advertisements. Finally, interest-based targeting can be used to aim at those with specific interests or hobbies. This is a very powerful tool because it means that niche products with a very small potential customer base can still be effectively marketed, as the adverts are selectively shown to people who are more likely to make a purchase.

Advanced Targeting Features of Eskimi

With Eskimi’s location tracking technologies, advertisers can opt to not only target users in a specific country, but further define the area in terms of city and region. This is essential for those that are operating within a more niche market or in an area where adoption of a particular technology may differ massively from one city to the next. Also, advertisers can make relative ads that may consider the culture or language specifics of a certain area and place their ads at a time that is likely to have a more significant impact. It also provides the potential to utilize location-based call to actions. For example, if someone was in the vicinity of a particular shop, they could be directed to visit for a discounted offer or encouraged to take part in a survey based on a recent experience, providing useful footfall data.

Eskimi’s advanced targeting feature caters for an all-in-one targeting experience in not only offering options for social targeting, use of keyword targeting and ad scheduling, but also, the option to make use of lookalike targeting. This offers a huge benefit to advertisers as it drastically simplifies the campaign set-up process and improves spending effectiveness by diminishing the level of repetition and time consumption in setting up new audiences over and over again. Lookalike targeting allows advertisers to make use of already existing customer lists and find other users on Eskimi who match similar attributes and are likely to generate further business or activity. This provides the potential for sending a particular offer or message to a far more qualified and effectively generated audience.

Over and above basic targeting, Eskimi offers advanced targeting settings that allow advertisers to hone in on a more specific audience by leveraging key data. Advertisers can also utilize the “exclude” setting to avoid serving ads to a certain demographic. With this feature, advertisers can specify certain times of the day for their campaigns, allowing them to promote more consuming and renewing ads at different times. This level of micro-management can allow advertising spending to go further and maximize the benefits of a budget.

Demographic Targeting

Demographic targeting, the text begins by signalling with punctuation and fronted adverbials. “For example,” introduces an explanation that clarifies the point made, and this is extended with a further example in the following sentence. When the explanation is complete, the text moves on with the topic “Eskimi offers you two different types of demographic targeting options to choose from.” The use of the second person here works to involve the reader and the imperative verb, “choose,” appeals to their autonomy. However, the reader is then guided effectively through the options with the use of rhetorical questions. The writer doesn’t just use “demographic targeting” as a lexical chain – the reader is also linked through “desired audience.” By explaining in detail the concept of “reach and frequency based – demographic targeting” through a complex sentence, the process is clear. Also, the reader is equipped with the technical language necessary to access the process effectively. The writer continues to explain and draws together the knowledge in a complex sentence in order to explain the relevance of this targeting method to the reader’s needs. By use of the collocation “in terms of,” the text effectively manipulates the reader into understanding the way the comparative has been structured. The section closes with a summary to maintain coherence, reflecting the success of this paragraph in answering the key question posed in the topic sentence: “Which option is the most cost-effective one to you and why?”. The text predicts and provides opportunities for the reader to test and adapt newly acquired knowledge and the argument is woven clearly into the explanation throughout. Shapes of phrases are replicated and the reader is consistently supported and guided through new material as endeavours to investigate had impacted on clarity and precision.

Behavioral Targeting

Another benefit of behavioral targeting on Eskimi is the ability to carry out A/B testing. A/B testing involves creating two or more variations of the same digital ad and then comparing which one performs better. To ensure a fair test, different variations are displayed at random to users from the same segment. The analysis of the test results – typically metrics such as click-through rates and conversion rates – helps to identify which ad variation is the most effective. This feature provides advertisers with the flexibility to continuously refine and improve their campaigns over time to achieve the best possible performance.

In addition to selecting the right segments, Eskimi also offers the option to set frequency caps. This means that advertisers can control how many times a specific user should see their ad within a given time period. This is particularly useful when trying to avoid banner fatigue, which occurs when users start to ignore an ad after repeated exposure. By limiting the number of times an ad is shown, frequency caps ensure that user engagement is maximized.

When setting up a behavioral targeting campaign, the first step is to select the behavioral segments that are most relevant to the product or service being advertised. For instance, a travel agency may decide to target users who are in the ‘frequent travelers’ segment when advertising a holiday package. Eskimi’s user-friendly campaign set up interface allows advertisers to easily select the segments that they want to target from a clear and comprehensive list.

Behavioral targeting leverages data generated from a user’s activities online – websites visited, pages viewed, searches performed, and content consumed. Eskimi collects this data from various sources and uses it to group users into segments based on their interests and common behavioral patterns. Advertisers can then choose to display their ads only to those users who fall into a segment that is relevant to what they are offering. This ensures that the right ads are shown to the right people at the right time, making the campaigns more effective.

Geographical Targeting

Geographical location is one of the simplest yet most powerful targeting options. It allows you to serve your ads to users within a certain geographical area, defined by criteria such as country, region or city. You can also use Eskimi to exclude serving ads in specific geographical areas. As for the reason why geographical targeting might be useful, it will depend upon the nature of the campaign which is being run. For instance, it might be that the product or service which is being advertised is only available in certain locations. By using Eskimi geographical targeting, we can make sure that money is not being wasted on displaying adverts to people who are not able to take up the offer in question. Also, we know that different products or services may be popular or in demand in different areas. For example, if we are running a campaign for Eskimi in the UK, we might want to set the ads so that it is only shown to people in England. We can make use of the advanced geographic settings offered by Eskimi, limiting ads to a particular radius around a point, for instance a mile or so from a particular town or city. This type of targeting can be particularly powerful on mobile and is known as geo-fencing. Also, we can use the IP address of a user to work out their location – this is known as IP targeting. However, IP addresses can be misleading and are best used as a back-up or a way of verifying location rather than the sole method of geographical targeting.

Interest-based Targeting

So how does interest-based targeting in Eskimi work? Modern advertising uses programmatic ad buying, which is the process of using software to purchase digital advertising. This makes the process more efficient, allowing ad space to be bought by computers in real time, making decisions at a nanosecond. With the help of programmatic advertising – and in this case, programmatic advertising on Eskimi – every ad impression can be evaluated and made in real time. This is much more efficient than traditional direct ad buys and is also a way to ensure every single ad impression is an opportunity to reach a consumer. With the information about users and their interest being updated in real time, it also means that advertisers who are using interest-based targeting can adjust their campaign with any change in their potential consumer’s tastes or actions. But what are the criteria for displaying an ad using interest-based targeting on Eskimi? When an ad impression request is received by the Eskimi platform, a real-time auction process will occur if this ad request uses programmatic advertising. This is where available ad impression slots on the website that is being visited are offered to the potential advertisers. Each advertiser will have set criteria – such as what targeting method they want to use, the maximum bid they would like to make, or the total budget for the campaign – and the criteria of each advertiser is evaluated during this auction process. If a bid is successful and the advertiser wins the auction, their ad is displayed to that user. Remember once an impression is made and the ad is displayed, different data from that user will be collected so the auction process and display of the ad itself can be continuously improved. And this is the power of programmatic and interest-based targeting – the ability to learn more about what the user wants so that every ad impression in the future is more likely to result in a successful engagement. Interesting, isn’t it? Well, there are a few things you can do when it comes to interest-based targeting strategy on Eskimi too, such as how you can create a more effective campaign by using different interest targeting methods and managing your advertising frequency. If you would like to find out more about that, or looking for general advice and guidance on choosing the right campaign strategy (for example, are you better off setting a cost for the number of times your ad is displayed, or would you prefer to pay based on the number of clicks received?) Eskimi can provide you with a one-stop solution for it all!

Rich Media Creatives on Eskimi

As of today, marketing and creative agencies require interactive and dynamic advertising solutions to better promote their brand’s messaging. Eskimi offers a diverse range of advertisement formats, including carousel, in-stream, in-banner, and gallery creatives. So with my curiosity-led nature, I had explored almost all the advertised brands and all of which were displayed through a variety of rich media formats which appeared on my screen as I move from one product to the other. The core message in this digital marketing and advertising strategy is to deliver to a user direct and rewarding interactions. A thrilling user experience makes the user more compelled to the content which in turn has been scientifically proven to increase brand recognition, favorable opinions and likelihood to progress down the sales funnel. As for link with topic, the above clearly indicates that advertising campaigns may take into account users’ behavior and steps that the designer will take in other to create advertisement campaigns that helps to guide users through the intended experience. It is believed that rich media advertising on Eskimi is an exciting, modern and sophisticated approach in stimulating users through a multi-sensory movement and creating impressive advertisements, benefitting both the publisher and the advertiser. In contrast to traditional digital or static advertising, this method uses creative design, a vast amount of technologies and interacts with the user to create a greater and lasting brand experience. Successful rich media advertising campaigns extend the client’s brief, using data led design and focus on the user’s journey through the advert. On the other topic may give its advantage to focus on the digital marketing strategies for small businesses. However, such wishes cannot be fulfilled as there is no possible algorithm that is able to help track user’s behavior and to predict the content that will be played. All of which must be decided by users themselves. Therefore, visitors can still have a degree of control in what is to be displayed and their privacy is not breached.

Benefits of Using Rich Media Creatives

Another major area of focus in digital advertising is the use of rich media creatives to enhance user engagement. Rich media refers to a broader range of interactive, engaging digital advertising creatives, such as video ads, HTML, and interactive ads that can be used on the web. Research shows that rich media creatives can be two times more effective in terms of click-through rate, compared to standard banner ads (exoclick, 2019). On Eskimi, many different types of rich media creatives can be used including HTML5, video, and interactive ad formats. By utilizing rich media creatives, advertisers can benefit from more engaged users who are more likely to pay attention to and interact with the ad, leading to better performance. This involves creating more advanced strategies. And rich media incorporate a range of textual, decision trees, and videos. For Eskimi, our users are rhetoric specialists and mainly called for. In this unit, we will discuss developing a user-centered visual theory and we seek to contribute to the theoretical creation. If it’s not working now, then it is broken. Progress is the mission of technology. Technology is like a fuel that just keeps on giving problem solutions. But if the same technology cannot improve anymore or produce anything, we should let it go or replace it. Anything that is greater than the existing one must be introduced. New devices and new software. On Eskimi, many different types of rich media creatives can be used including HTML5, video, and interactive ad formats. By utilizing rich media creatives, advertisers can benefit from more engaged users who are more likely to pay attention to and interact with the ad, leading to better performance. This involves creating more advanced strategies. And rich media incorporate a range of textual, decision trees, and videos. For Eskimi, our users are rhetoric specialists and mainly called for. In this unit, we will discuss developing a user-centered visual theory and we seek to contribute to the theoretical creation. If it’s not working now, then it is broken. Progress is the mission of technology. Technology is like a fuel that just keeps on giving problem solutions. But if the same technology cannot improve anymore or produce anything, we should let it go or replace it. Anything that is greater than the existing one must be introduced. New devices and new software.

Types of Rich Media Creatives Supported by Eskimi

As it has been already stated, there are various types of rich media creatives that are supported by Eskimi. Firstly, it supports the type of a creative that is called Billboard. This creative is shown at the bottom of the page and when a user comes to a page, the ad expands and pushes page content up, exposing the ad creative. The ad can be closed or minimized by the user. A user also has an option to click on the ad and open it in full mode. Secondly, it supports the type of a creative that is called Expandable. An expandable ad starts out in a normal “closed” state and then expands to large dimension and pushes the other content of the page when the ad is interacted. As with billboard creatives, the user has the option to minimize or close the expanded creative. However, the creative includes the play/pause and other controls if video features are used. The next type of creative is Wallpaper and, as you can probably guess, creatives of this type allow “wrapping” the background of the web page with graphics. Unlike the standard placing of ads, wallpapers are always visible on the webpage without a need to scroll, thus they tend to have heavy file size to keep the good quality of its resolution. Also, Eskimi supports the type of creative which is called Interstitial. Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that cover the interface of their host application. They’re typically displayed at natural transition points in the flow of an application, such as between activities or during the pause between levels in a game. Interstitials provide opportunities to capture user attention as they are not always being shown on the page and the user has to interact with the ad in order to close it. The next one creative type that is supported by Eskimi is In-Stream Video creative. That’s a video ad that is played before the actual content that the user wants to see. It is also called a pre-roll ad and Eskimi supports video advertising across a variety of devices, including web and mobile. Lastly, Eskimi supports the so-called Floating creatives which allow an ad to appear within an active window and moves around as a user scrolls the page, allowing your ad to stay near the focal point of the user’s attention. The floating ad is circular in shape; a user has the option to click on the ad and go to the promised page with more information.

Enhancing User Engagement with Rich Media Creatives

Since Eskimi is a great tool for audience targeting, the art of the well-executed ad campaign lies in the rich media creative. Rich media is a digital advertising term for an ad that includes advanced features like video, audio, or other elements that encourage viewers to interact and engage with the content. In the modern world of ad tech, this kind of advertisement is becoming more and more prevalent. The overall goal of a rich media ad is to grab the viewers’ attention and create an enjoyable user experience, so users are more likely to interact with the ad. These types of advertisements, with their interactive nature and engaging features, provide an amazing opportunity to capture the user’s attention and make a lasting impression. When users actively engage with ads, they’re far more likely to remember the specific content of the ad, remember the product or brand and crucially, take the desired action immediately or at some point in the future. For this reason, rich media ads have been shown to drive much higher conversion rates compared to standard display or text-based adverts. For example, the Eskimi developers can create an ad that features a short survey at the end, inviting the user to provide feedback on a new product or service. By offering an interactive experience—where the user’s opinions and actions directly shape the outcome of the ad—the likelihood of increasing brand loyalty and generating meaningful data is greatly improved.

Eskimi as an Adtech Platform

Eskimi is a programmatic and data management platform. Being programmatic means that the platform uses a set of rules to make decisions about which ads to show to which people. This is in contrast to the traditional method of buying advertising space, which involves sending requests for proposals, managing insertion orders, dealing with human errors, and a lot of other complications. Eskimi’s programmatic platform means that a lot of these processes can be automated, making it easier for advertisers to understand where their ad will be shown, and easier for people who use Eskimi to create and manage their advertising campaigns. Eskimi is integrated with the world’s best adtech companies, which allows users to verify their analytics and track the performance of their advertisement in real time. Integration with adtech ecosystem implies that as an advertiser, Eskimi is offering access to the best and the most efficient adtech technology as well as advertising marketplaces (we call these SSPs or supply-side platforms) and the most innovative ad formats and adtech companies from all around the world. In other words, when advertising on Eskimi you can be sure that your ad will be seen in the most effective way because Eskimi gives access to the latest technological solutions of the advertising industry. Cheers to multiple direct and programmatic deals, effectiveness of media buying algorithms and multiple measurement and analytics solutions available, all in one place – that is the Eskimi advantage!

Integration with Adtech Ecosystem

First and foremost, Eskimi is integrated with all the major ad exchanges like Google, Facebook, and DoubleClick so that advertisers can access a wider audience and can benefit from all the premium ad exchanges. This means that Eskimi has a built-in option to participate in real-time bidding (RTB), which is a crucial part of the current digital advertising ecosystem. By doing so, Eskimi allows advertisers to compete for the digital advertising impression to meet their advertising goals. It is also beneficial for advertisers to use the advanced tracking and targeting capabilities of these ad exchanges when they are planning to advertise on Eskimi. Ad exchanges gather and share user data and their activities from different sources, and they provide advanced targeting options to advertisers based on this information. By integrating Eskimi with these ad exchanges, advertisers can also use these advanced targeting capabilities provided by ad exchanges to deliver even more targeted and effective advertising campaigns. Eskimi also supports third-party ad serving solutions like DoubleClick. So, advertisers have the flexibility to use their own ad serving solutions for Eskimi advertising campaigns, and they can take advantage of the integration between these ad serving solutions and DoubleClick through Eskimi. DoubleClick’s ad server and its robust features are particularly suitable for large, complex advertisers, and third-party ad servers are often used by advertisers to access sophisticated features that are not available in normal ad servers provided by advertising platforms. By integrating Eskimi with DoubleClick, advertisers can take advantage of the powerful solutions for operations, campaign management, and rich media, which can provide significant operational efficiencies. Advertisers who are currently using DoubleClick can track and measure the performance of the Eskimi advertising campaigns with the tracking pixels of DoubleClick easily. These tracking pixels can provide valuable insights such as the number of clicks and impressions, click-through rates, and conversions of the advertising campaigns. This information can be used by advertisers to evaluate the performance of the advertising creatives and to make the necessary adjustments to optimize the advertising campaigns for the best results. DoubleClick’s tracking and reporting feature is capable of generating reports on a near real-time basis, and it can incorporate data from different sources such as the DoubleClick ad server, third-party research sites, and now, the Eskimi platform data. By integrating Eskimi with DoubleClick, advertisers can use this feature to access the latest information of the Eskimi advertising campaigns and to monitor the performance of the campaigns more effectively.

Measurement and Analytics Capabilities

Eskimi offers a range of options for tracking and evaluating campaign success. We can provide our clients with personalized tracking links to allow them to measure the impact of their campaign using third-party tracking technology. In addition, we offer our clients the chance to use a range of industry standard tracking options, including impression tracking, click tracking, and post-click tracking. In today’s competitive online marketing environment, the power of your digital marketing and ad spend comes down to one major factor: data. By providing our clients with a range of options for data measurement and analysis, and by making it as easy as possible to track the success of a campaign using either client or Eskimi-side tracking software, we aim to provide a competitive advantage that helps our clients’ business to grow. For example, we provide a service that allows tracking in real time. Where a client knows what impact a successful or unsuccessful campaign would have upon user interaction on their site, they can make changes to the site in real time to maximize gains from a more successful campaign or to minimize losses from an unsuccessful one. The importance of offering a range of measurement options is reflected in our value, as well as our understanding, of the need for continual evolution, progress, and innovation within the adtech field. Moreover, we are able to store and match large sets of external and internal ad event data to provide customized reporting. By using sophisticated analytics programs, our team can help clients understand the effects of the various parameters in their ad requests – for example, the time of day or the type of user on a particular site. These measurements can then be used not only to streamline advertising networks to deliver more relevant advertising but also to provide insights into consumer habits and behavior. With client financial success firmly rooted in the success of our advertising product, we provide clients with access to third-party auditors to ensure they receive the levels of traffic they were promised. By demonstrating our commitment to transparency and our value of trust, we consistently deliver higher levels of satisfaction and return business to our ad operations.

Cost-effectiveness of Advertising on Eskimi

Cost-effectiveness of advertising on Eskimi is one of the many benefits that this social media platform offers. Compared to traditional methods of advertising – such as billboards, television slots or magazine adverts – using Eskimi can be less expensive, because the costs of managing your adverts on Eskimi are generally lower. Firstly, Eskimi has a large and varied user base: with 22 million users worldwide, and with 1.6 million of those users being in Nigeria, Eskimi offers a global platform on which to advertise. So, the potential outreach of any advertisement placed on Eskimi is much greater than a more localised method of traditional advertising – such as in a small local newspaper. Because Eskimi is an online platform, the costs of designing, building, maintaining and updating your adverts are relatively low. For example, instead of having to pay a professional advertiser to build and manage your advertising campaign, once you have an account set up all you need to do is upload your creative content, choose the demographic or interest group you want to target, and Eskimi will manage the rest. This makes Eskimi an attractive option even for small business owners or entrepreneurs who do not have large budgets to splash out on advertising and marketing. Finally, Eskimi operates a real-time auction system to determine which adverts are shown to which users: this is called real-time bidding. This system maximizes the amount of relevant content and advertising that users see in their newsfeed, and so Eskimi can charge less to advertisers because there is increased chance of user engagement with the adverts. Also, this kind of system means that you only get charged when a user interacts with your advert – for example by clicking on it or following the link it provides – meaning that every penny of your advertising budget really counts. By comparison, traditional advertising methods may charge a flat ‘display fee’, regardless of how many people actually engage with your content. All these factors contribute to lower advertising costs overall, making it cheaper for you to reach a wider and more relevant audience by using Eskimi as a platform for your advertising campaign.

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