10 ECommerce Vision Statements Examples That Will Help Inspire Your Business

November 11, 2022

By having an avalanche of external changes and the needs of quick response towards such changes, some companies may argue that the value of a mission statement is fading and all the attention should be paid to the vision in the strategic planning process. However, a clear vision and mission can be very helpful, especially for business start-ups that require a good runway.

On the other hand, a mission statement mainly defines the mid-to long-term objectives of such a company. It outlines the company’s direction and the company is focusing on its current business activities. A mission statement is essential for the day-to-day operation of a company. With a clear direction already established by the company’s vision statement, objectives can be derived and used to monitor the progress of such a company. In other words, a mission statement tells everyone both in and outside the company what the company is doing now, what the focuses are, and what is going to be achieved in the future.

Last but not least, an engaging vision statement is always a fundamental element of effective marketing. It sets the ultimate goal and inspires people internally as well as the customers who deal with the organisation. This is true especially in today’s corporate world in which customers are more concerned about what is delivered to them, with the traits of a strong, purposeful company which needs to capture the customers’ hearts, minds, and spirits.

First, a well-developed vision statement can prevent the company from changing its direction too frequently. This is particularly important given the constant changes and tremendous pressures from the external environment. When carefully crafted, a vision statement can give employees a greater sense of shared purpose. It can also provide the guideline for decision-making, uplift the company’s spirit, and help to balance the interest among all the stakeholders. A well-presented vision statement also serves as the lighthouse that guides a company’s direction, inspiring the top management and staff to work as a team and achieve the aspired goal in a steady manner.

So what is a vision statement? A vision statement describes the long-term goal of a company, i.e. what the company is aspiring to be in the medium to long-term future. It’s a direction towards which the company is focusing and dedicating its efforts. Having a vision statement can be equally important to small and large companies, from the well-established companies to the early start-ups, even though they may have totally different visions.

The business environment today is experiencing rapid and profound changes. Globalisation, new technological developments, the ever demanding customer, and the increasing sophisticated and fierce competition in all markets require organisations to undergo an ongoing process of change. To meet the increasing challenges and opportunities, the company’s vision statement has to be adapted and changed more frequently.

Defining Vision Statements

Our response text: “According to W. Warner Burke and William Trahant, in their article “Using the Onion Model to Understand Corporate Culture”, the authors state that “vision statements have a profound effect on the attitudes and behaviour of the entire organisation” and hence “it is important to consider the vision statement when trying to manage and lead change for a company”. A vision statement should not be confused with a mission statement as both statements are significantly different. A vision statement is future focused and serves as a source of inspiration, and a clear guide towards a better future. A mission statement on the other hand is action oriented and details the present ‘who we are’ and the operational philosophies of an organisation. The mission statement may define the reason for existence but the ultimate objective is to achieve the vision and hence become the driving force which leads the company to success. In the example of an organisation like Apple, one of the leading companies in mobile technology, we can witness how the vision statement of the organisation has been aligned to everything from interpretation of the products through branding but also to long term objectives and strategic goals. The current vision statement of Apple is “to make the best products in the world” and coincidentally Apple is one of the world’s most innovative companies.”

Significance of Vision Statements in Business

In the professional world, the primary goal of a business is essentially to make money and be successful. However, there are lots of businesses that become more than just about earning a dollar – they become a force of good and a means of making the world a better place. Research has shown that seventy percent of employers in the United States and fifty-eight percent of employers in the United Kingdom now use a formal vision statement to define the company’s values. In an increasingly digitized world that’s more connected than ever before, it’s crucial for businesses to not simply relay their vision to employees, but to actively inspire them with it. After all, employees are a company’s number one asset, so it’s key that they buy into where the business is heading and how it’s going to get there. By providing your team with a clear vision of what the company is working towards, employers can give them a shared sense of purpose which can be very powerful in bringing employees together and uniting their efforts. This kind of unified drive can directly translate into improvements in productivity, staff retention, and the attractiveness of a business to prospective employees. However, simply having a vision statement is not enough – it’s about ensuring that the statement isn’t just a piece of paper that’s locked away in a file. Every business decision and new project that comes up in the day-to-day running of the company should be filtered through the vision of the business and how it helps to move closer towards the long-term goals. When a company’s high-level objectives are clear and backed up with a comprehensive strategy to achieve these, then it gives staff the knowledge that they are working for a business that has clear purpose and direction. This can be a very rewarding feeling, which in turn can help to boost morale and solidarity in the workplace. Moreover, it can also support the recruitment of external hires to a company; businesses that act with transparent objectives can be very appealing to prospective employees. Staff who believe in the company’s vision and feel that their work contributes meaningfully to driving the business closer towards its goals are more likely to invest themselves in their tasks and will more readily accept changes and new challenges. In a study conducted by Deloitte, it was found that employees who have a real focus on working towards the company’s vision are more likely to feel included in organizational change. This is likely to be because a shared sense of purpose enables employees to understand how any individual project or change to the business fits into the wider goals of the company.

Creating a Global Workforce

According to the Society for Human Resource Management, over 40% of managers globally say that their biggest challenges are culture, diversity, and inclusion. This rises to 49% for those managing international entities. Thus, in order to attain an employer brand that appeals to top talent from around the globe, a company must acknowledge, recognize, and adopt various strategies that will bring together people from different generations, cultures, and values to provide a collaborative and innovative workforce. Creating work environments that reflect the users of products and services is becoming critical and will continue to be a major component of organizational growth and stability. This should be part of an overall organizational philosophy that sees a diverse, global workforce as essential in maximizing the potential of all employees, breaking down the traditional barriers to success and supporting the delivery of corporate objectives. It can also be a useful approach in responding to international demographic changes. For instance, in the UK, the workforce has expanded by 1 million in the past year and is projected to continue to grow. 71% of this growth has come from people living in the UK who were born overseas, which means that companies that recognize the benefits and embrace a narrative that a diverse and equal society is important will prosper in years to come. Every culture and every work environment has its unique challenges, whether they are as a result of society, politics, geography, or infrastructure. When building a diverse, global workforce, companies should be aware of and sensitive to these issues and adapt their approach accordingly. For example, in some regions, it may be appropriate to adopt a program of positive action to support the indigenous workforce, whereas in other areas recruiting individuals from around the globe may be actively encouraged by local governments. Also, thinking outside the hiring process and developing a team approach to training, career development, and growth will support the implementation of a vision for the power of a global workforce and raise confidence and morale among all employees. This needs to be recognized from the very top of an organization and demonstrated as a core value throughout managerial teams for it to have a lasting and deep impact. By devoting time to creating and maintaining a culture based on shared values, trust and positive working relationships between the old and the new guard, it is possible to open up access to new innovation and drive real change in how organizations structure and plan for future success.

Embracing Diversity and Inclusion

It is not enough to simply hire a diverse candidate pool. To build a global workforce, companies must actively work to support and promote an inclusive environment where the diversity of thought is valued and utilized to continue driving company success. Working with individuals from different backgrounds and cultures can support new, innovative ideas that a more homogenous workplace might not produce. However, stepping into someone else’s shoes and the process of adapting to the views of another culture is a complex, multi-staged objective throughout the work. Programs such as diversity and inclusion in the workplace, intercultural development programs, and workshops conducted by HR professionals and outside facilitators are often started. These programs not only encourage parties to understand cultural differences but also to avoid blind-eye judgments that may be based on one’s cultural values and beliefs. Coupled with the implementation of programs, managers and supervisors should seek to implement environments and systemic processes that encourage active efforts in participating in such programs. For instance, specific leadership training programs in diversity and inclusion are available where the entire leadership team in a department can take time to meet and learn from each other. Often, these programs meet multiple times throughout a period and will engage the leadership team in open, frank discussions about their experienced cultural differences in both living and work environments. Such programs look to focus on critical self-assessment of individual biases, awareness of others’ way of living, and the empowerment to promote a more inclusive work environment. Engaging in these programs provide participants with constructive knowledge, self-reflection on their own cultural background and personal biases and an opportunity to share experience and learning from others. By investing and fostering diversity and inclusion initiatives, businesses are able to harness the collective power of a multi-background and multi-culture team. This leads to diverse ideas and adaptability, support in breaking into new markets through innovative solutions, higher employee engagement and retention, and utilizing the most important resource – people.

Fostering Collaboration Across Borders

Just as it is important for different departments within a company to collaborate, it is equally important for global entities to encourage and facilitate collaboration at every level. One way of doing so is to create a digital workspace where employees from all corners of the globe can come together to communicate, work on joint projects, and share expertise. By utilizing relevant technological tools to bridge geographical gaps, employees can break down silos and learn from their international colleagues. For example, the global chemical company, Solvay, has reaped the rewards of nurturing a culture of collaboration in the workplace. Solvay has broken away from the traditional set-up with segregated silos for specific purposes and has instead created an integrated and collaborative working environment. By fostering an open atmosphere, the workforce has been more willing to embrace digital transformation and innovation. As a result, by encouraging its employees to cross skills, languages, and cultural boundaries, Solvay has seen a significant increase in both productivity – with an average of one day per week saved through faster, more effective ways of working – and safety, by initiating breakthrough projects such as real-time feedback in automotive coatings and durable lightweighting materials to reduce emissions in aerospace manufacturing. These projects not only speak to Solvay’s overarching vision for a cleaner and more sustainable planet but also underline the power of leveraging the knowledge and expertise of a truly global team. By supporting and executing innovative strategies and learning from challenges throughout the collaboration process, the implementation of vision statement objectives can be enacted, and the long-term vision itself can be much more easily envisaged by every member of the team – regardless of where they are based.

Providing Equal Opportunity for Every Member

Providing equal opportunities is especially important in today’s global workforce. Talented professionals come from all corners of the globe, and it’s the responsibility of companies to ensure that everyone, regardless of their background, has the chance to succeed. It is not just beneficial for employees; companies with a more inclusive environment are likely to enjoy stronger performance and higher levels of employee satisfaction. To create a truly inclusive work environment, company culture should be based on fairness and respect. It’s important that leaders communicate these values across the entire organization, both in the vision statement and in day-to-day operations. This means that upholding a clear and strong vision is crucial when it comes to achieving equal opportunities. Recognition programs and regular performance feedback from managers are also very effective in providing staff with the feedback and motivation to succeed. These should be based on clearly defined, objective measures and incorporate team and company goals. Additionally, providing open and honest two-way feedback between employees and management will help to foster an inclusive environment. This information flow is essential in helping to reveal and address the challenges faced by different groups of staff. For example, women and ethnic minorities are under-represented at senior levels in many organizations and it’s important to understand the underlying reasons for this in order to make effective change. However, it’s important not to neglect the importance of diversity of ideas. Creating an equal opportunities workplace doesn’t mean that every employee should be given the same tasks, or that individuality should be ignored. In fact, encouraging diversity of thought can bring about positive change and help to avoid stagnation. Whether you are recruiting new staff or trying to improve opportunities for your existing employees, technology can play a significant role in breaking down barriers. For example, by ensuring that your company website and any job adverts are accessible to people with disabilities, you can help to create a more diverse applicant pool. Giving staff access to e-learning opportunities and the ability to personalize their learning experience according to individual preferences can also help to foster an inclusive workplace. This will not only provide staff with the opportunity to develop their skill set but also give them a sense of independence and control over their own career development.

Long-Term Goals and Company Culture

Establishing long-term goals means setting achievable and measurable targets that could provide a clear direction and encourage success. In parallel with the company’s mission and short-term objectives, an effective long-term goal would ease the process of making a future plan for the benefit of the company. Usually, long-term goals could last for three to five years and help the company plan ahead. In here, a specific goal has to spread out the company resources and workforce so that the ultimate end could be achieved. However, it is quite challenging in such a dynamic global environment – many unforeseen factors like technology changes, economic situation, and political points could affect the company’s forecast. This is why careful strategic planning is crucial and should act as guidance but not a prescription. On the other hand, in order to drive success, everyday work or operation has to be tied closely to the defined long-term goals through aligning the company’s culture, defining a range of smaller interlocking objectives, and setting specific objectives for individuals. From the relationships between the goals, it helps the company create a balance of different interests inside and outside the organization; and from the relationships between the objectives, it helps coordination of activities and focus of effort and resources; and also working with individuals could deliver personal development and satisfaction. Long-term goals usually are more general and non-specific compared with short-term objectives which are more specific in its nature. By achieving short-term objectives, it would lead to the fulfillment of the long-term goals eventually. Furthermore, the individual departmental plans and activities could be coordinated and also the different sections within the organization could be integrated. However, strict compliance with the programs or plans could lead to a lack of entrepreneurship and flexibility – the successful managers would always take the changing circumstances into account.

Establishing Long-Term Goals

In order to build a successful global workforce, it’s crucial to think not only about what the company wants to achieve in the short term, but also what the company hopes to achieve in the long term. When a company has a clear set of long-term goals, it provides a roadmap for where the organization is heading. It helps to align the activities of different departments and people because everyone understands what the ultimate aim is. However, it’s important that long-term goals are part of an ongoing strategic planning effort. This means that the company doesn’t just set its long-term goals and then forget about them. Instead, a company has to regularly review and update its long-term goals in the light of changes in the business environment; for example, new competitor activity, changes in technology or shifts in the economy. One useful technique that is often used to explain the process of developing and aligning long-term business strategy is the strategy tripod. This is based on the idea that there are three key drivers for an organization – the people who lead the company, the processes used to get things done and the customer needs that the company seeks to satisfy. By focusing on each of these three elements in turn, and making sure that they properly link together, it can help to ensure that a company’s long-term mission and vision are widely understood and used to guide decision making at every level. This process can also help to break down barriers between different parts of an organization as people start to see how their activities contribute to achieving the company’s goals.

Aligning Company Culture with Vision

Once a company has established its long-term goals, it is time to align them with the company’s core values and, most importantly, its vision. As the definition in the introduction section indicates, a vision “paints” a picture of what the company will look like in the future. Having a shared understanding of the vision is critically important; in fact, a study conducted by the American Society for Training and Development revealed that an astonishing 71% of companies that had high employee alignment with the company’s strategy had a clear vision, compared with only 29% of companies that had low employee alignment with the company’s strategy. To align company culture with the vision, communication is the key. Along with open dialogue and active engagement with employees, companies should establish a dedicated communications strategy to articulate the vision in a simple but convincing way. Leaders should listen to employees, embrace transparency, and be authentic when active discussions take place. Legendary business leaders such as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are loud proponents of the “visionary” leadership style that taps into employees’ values, dreams, and passion, leading to productive transformations and creative work. Last but not least, gaining employee commitment and translating the vision into meaningful and practical terms are essential steps of building a vision-led company. One way to achieve this is encouraging employees to respect and embrace the vision by nurturing a knowledge sharing culture. Nowadays, there is a broad variety of digital tools and applications on the market that could facilitate information flow and collaborative work – and they can directly enhance the richness of the shared knowledge. By “democratizing” the access to valuable resources and socially connecting individuals in the workforce, employees can become more knowledgeable and productive. Also, by encouraging a practice where employees consult the company’s goals and visions when they face organizational challenges and difficulties, people are more likely to be familiar with the vision and subconsciously make decisions that are in harmony with the vision. Such cultural transition will further assist in embedding the vision in the everyday operation and decision-making process; gradually, a collective organizational behavior that moves towards the desired end will be formed and reflected in a sustainable business performance. Through providing equal opportunity of data and information sharing across locations and creating an inclusive environment of idea development, information leverage will drive both individual and organizational innovation – a great way to progress towards the shared vision.

Cultivating a Sense of Purpose and Belonging

By giving each member of the workforce a common symbol to figure, it becomes less difficult to bridge the gap among the modern subcultures that shape among people in the place of job. People are likely to form specialized subgroups wherein they have their very own precise subculture based on shared interests and beliefs. Members of the body of workers are then recognized through which subgroup they are most closely aligned with, in preference to identifying through the wider place of business culture. Whether subcultures are based totally on shared pastimes, location of beginning, race or some different elements, the very existence of these subgroups indicates that there’s an issue in fostering beliefs of shared purpose and belonging inside a department or whole place of business. Through imposing practices that create a more solid place of business tradition primarily based round a common vision and not unusual symbols, it will become less complicated to lessen the affect of these subcultures on the wider place of work. One effective way of accomplishing this is through introducing rituals and events which might be focused on the presentation of these symbols, with an emphasis being positioned at the collective nature of the ritual and the way different individuals of the body of workers are all doing the same action. This can be as easy as creating a piece of artwork that people can help to add to, or the usage of a special piece of system that is required in order for each day responsibilities to be completed and which may be exceeded among employees. These practices can assist to shift the focus away from the subculture based totally on what differentiated some other team and instead instill a feel of pride and belonging within the wider place of job. By presenting people with the possibility to take part in these activities, people are also given a danger to exhibit their commitment to contributing to the wider place of work way of life, which permits their non-public values to grow to be more carefully aligned with that of the company. Cultivating a feel of motive and belonging may be similarly superior via recognition of precise behaviors that pick out and embody the corporation’s values and preferred subculture. This could involve using a praise gadget to offer fine feedback, evaluating performance targets or different non-monetary blessings which include extended holiday allowance, to give human beings the inducement to work closer to the company beliefs. Rewards need to be firmly centered around the values of the defined place of business subculture and successful candidates need to showcase behaviors and attitudes that align with the employer’s venture announcement or vision for the future. By actively rewarding personnel who exemplify those favored beliefs, it may inspire enthusiastic employees to play a more distinguished position in championing the desired subculture and will offer a clean indication to others of the type of behaviors that are extraordinary within the place of business.

Harnessing the Power of Information

With the rate at which the technological landscape is evolving, we are now living in a world where business and technology are inextricably linked. New and improved technologies are constantly helping to harness the power of the world’s information, leveling the playing field and enabling a new generation of global workers. This section of the essay will explore the different ways in which technology can be used to support a vision statement and help to build a global workforce. It will also reflect on the many different types of technology used in today’s workplaces, and how embracing diversity – be it race, gender, or salary – can drive innovation and move technology and the world in which it is used forward. Lastly, the essay will consider the ways in which the power of the world’s information can be used to help drive innovation, and, consequently, change the way that we work. By actively encouraging employees to share their knowledge, whether that is through providing platforms on which to collaborate and share documentation and ideas, or by holding programmed ‘innovation days’, modern companies can reap the many rewards that working on a global scale can bring. This not only helps employees – as it can lead to a broader understanding of the context in which solutions are built as well as help people to upskill in different areas of technology – but also shows to clients and competitors that a company is truly operating on the bleeding edge of possibility. By driving innovation from the bottom up, companies can develop better methods and ideas for the future, and continue to shape the landscape in which we all work. In doing so, the business and the workforce that furthers it will not only be embracing the ideas of a bright and extraordinary future, but actively helping to push the boundaries of what is possible. By building a modern workforce with shared understanding, common outlook and goals, and honorable and forward-thinking leadership, technology and the global workplace will begin to shift and shape in new and previously unfathomable ways for the better. By ensuring that a collective and modern vision is worked towards by all, and by utilizing the ever-accelerating advancement of technology, we truly have the power to use the world’s information in a way like never before.

Leveraging the World’s Information

Data is the driving force behind a global workforce. The rise of big data and business analytics has transformed organizations and their ability to leverage the world’s information. With the phenomenal growth of data and the rise of the digital economy, global companies are on the cusp of another revolution, one driven by globally interconnected data. By being able to tap into this wealth of information, organizations can gain a competitive advantage by better understanding their industry and capitalizing on emerging trends and needs. However, the true potential of leveraging the world’s information can only be achieved through a clear and concise vision that prioritizes diversity and the continuous exchange of knowledge. By providing a vision that is relevant on a global scale and that embraces diversity and inclusion, both employees and leadership are more likely to value cross-border and cross-cultural global workforce collaboration. Competing in the global economy increasingly depends on human capital – tapping into the collective knowledge of a diverse and happy workforce. As the founder and CEO, Richard is worlds away from the daily experiences of his customers and staff and constantly struggles to gather the information he needs to make important strategic decisions. With the increasing globalization of economies, the importance of developing a vision that supports collaboration, unity, and knowledge exchange throughout the globe cannot be overstated. Firms that have managed to establish a strong connection between their vision and the physical global execution are leading the way in operational success. Consequently, when employees are at the center of an aligned global vision, firms have experienced increased employee retention, enhanced innovation, expedited decision-making times, and expanded market share. In the new global digital economy, success is not only dependent on implementing the right technology, but on building a world-class, high-performing global workforce culture that is truly customer-focused. Therefore, the main goal of using technology for cross-border knowledge sharing must be to improve the customer experience. However, simply providing a digital platform designed for information exchange is not sufficient in itself. The collaborative environment that companies hope to achieve can only be realized through a people-focused approach which is underpinned by a shared mission and vision. By embracing diversity and inclusion and working towards a vision which supports global collaboration, companies will foster a culture characterized by empathy and understanding. This means that when employees share their knowledge and insights, they are doing so much more than just contributing to a knowledge transfer; they are engaged in actions that drive innovation and creativity in every corner of the business. By combining symbolic organizational statements that emphasize the value of global knowledge sharing with digital tools that facilitate its realization, the contemporary global company is energizing every part of the workforce. From digital marketers in Europe, to technology specialists in India and Mexico, the global workforce is unified in delivering a service or product that is world-class through the propulsion of innovation and knowledge.

Embracing Technological Advancements

This provides the ideal soundboard for fostering employee-led innovation and also creates a real sense of belonging and purpose, knowing that every member of the team has had the opportunity to shape and add to the common goal. Such a technological approach also means that members of staff, regardless of their location or time zone.

With the help of modern technology and the rise of digital globalization, this does not have to be a simple statement that is presented to employees during induction or situates gathering new recruits. Many companies now use advanced software to create a living and breathing document that can be shaped and developed through contributions from employees. By using technology to facilitate interactive sessions such as group discussions and live voting on aspects of the vision and direction, companies can ensure that their workforces, wherever they might be located, truly engage with the vision of the future.

It is essential for companies who wish to embrace the digital globalization of the world today to understand the need for and to leverage the advantages of an interconnected and knowledge sharing culture that the new technology can support. First and foremost, companies need to strengthen and maintain a clear and shared vision of the goals of the company across its global workforce so that everyone, no matter where they are located, is working towards the same target. As outlined before, vision statements are a powerful tool to communicate their sense of direction and purpose.

However, greater diversity in terms of the geographical spread of work can create logistical challenges. It is common for companies to have to manage employees and open communication channels between offices and people working in different time zones or in different languages. There are also challenges in ensuring that all employees are comfortable working and sharing information and opinions in a comprehensive and collaborative way even if all communication is conducted online.

Digital globalization is a trend in which the world experiences a growing interconnection of digital activities. Thanks to technology, an increasingly broad cross-section of global society can contribute to the worldwide exchange of information. Nowadays, it is common to see all employees, from the most senior to the most junior, engaging with some kind of digital device; from the smartphones that management might use to keep up to date with emails on the move, right up to the advanced technological innovations that form the backbone of some up and coming factories.

The previous notion of a “global workforce” involved facilitating collaboration between individuals from different countries and cultural backgrounds. However, with the recent technological advancements such as video conferencing, the adoption of virtual workspaces by many multinational companies, and the widespread use of social media to showcase their diverse talent pool, the term “global workforce” has extended its meaning to include the concept of “digital globalization”.

Driving Innovation through Knowledge Sharing

Beginning in the mid-1990s, the world entered a phase of dramatic and continuous technological advancement. In this digital age, the opportunities for global knowledge sharing have expanded exponentially, and many multinational companies are taking advantage of this in order to drive innovation and maintain their competitive edge. First and foremost, for innovation to occur within a global workforce, there must be a platform of knowledge sharing in place. Creating a culture of collaboration, whereby employees are encouraged to share their ideas and learn from one another, is essential. However, what sets global knowledge sharing apart from more traditional approaches is the diversity of ideas and experiences that can be drawn upon. By seeking out a range of opinions and solutions from people with different cultural and professional backgrounds from all over the world, companies can find a wealth of ideas and new approaches that may never have come to light within a more restricted, national innovation strategy. This is a significant advantage of a globalised workforce and one which is becoming increasingly important as new technologies and methods of communication make the exchange and collation of ideas from different corners of the globe more accessible. Real-time data sharing and 24/7 connectivity combined with powerful collaborative tools have made the vision of a global knowledge workforce a reality, rather than simply an abstract concept for the future. By helping companies to build innovation into their very DNA, global knowledge initiatives are increasingly seen as a way to future-proof a business against the fast pace of technological change. For example, technology company IBM has a formal Global Innovation Outlook programme that encourages collaborative innovation worldwide. Hundreds of experts from industry, academia and policymaking contribute to a large-scale research project that aims to identify new and emerging global innovation opportunities. Through the use of various online collaboration platforms and annual face-to-face meetings, IBM has managed to produce a range of thought leadership reports and guides over the past decade. These in turn have helped to inform IBM’s own corporate innovation strategies, leading to the development of a number of successful new products and services.

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