5 ways to improve Local SEO and Get Local Traffic

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Web Hosting 

Choosing the right web hosting will help you improve your SEO. The web hosting service provider needs to be fast and reliable. For local SEO get a local web hosting provider. There are many web hosting provider that are based in USA and Canada but if you want to get the best local seo results for local traffic choose a local web hosting provider for your website.  


Country Specific Domains 

Country specific domains will also help in the local SEO scene. Most domains are a .com based just like ours at Sotavento Medios. This is good if you want to target multiple countries but if your website is targeting only within Singapore. It is good to get a domain ending with the country specific ID, in this example it will be .com.sg or .sg domains where sg refers to Singapore.  


IP Address

If you already have an existing website and a web hosting package on a contract and want to further optimize it. The next best way is to buy an IPV4 IP address localized to your country. You can seek the assistance of your web hosting company to set a local IP address to target the local SEO results. If you are targeting more than one country on your domain name, you will just need to buy IP address of the countries you want to target and point them to the website in the DNS setting. Not just forwarding to it. Get the assistance from the web hosting provider, they will be able to assist you on this.


Contextual Content

Another way to target for local SEO is to have contextual content with keywords linking to your specific country. This method requires more than one page and is needed almost throughout your website. So if you are targeting Singapore for the Local SEO Traffic. In your content in the website, you need to mention Singapore on various parts.  


If the content or the language does not allow you to do so, you can choose to have this in the Alt text part of the images. Seek the assistance of your website developer on this in adding alt text to the images with the country of the specific.  


Google My Business

It is common for every website to have listing on Google My Business. In Google My Business when you register for a free account and list your website and address there in it. Google will pick up the targeted location of the country for local results. This method is free and fast.

If you need assistance to your local SEO and want to see top rankings for your website, check out Sotavento Medios SEO Services in Singapore. We offer a value package of 100 keywords and a daily SEO Ranking report so you will know where you rank for your website.





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